Customer Spotlight: "For Nukie"

Been meaning to post these for the past week or two but was caught up in other commission projects but finally managed to get a moment between working on another commission to put up this entry.  This one was especially touching to me so i'm glad to finally get around to it.

Recently I posted these shoes on both my facebook page ( and my instagram (  The client wanted a red, white, and black pair of Air Max customs with the name "Nukie", which is the nickname of her son who passed away and the shoe request was done as a tribute to him.  Having no idea that this client had an Instagram account, I happened to come across this pic comment a few days later:

Although I had never met the client or her son in person, it got me a little chocked up reading it.  Knowing that I was able to do a fitting tribute to her late sona made me feel appreciated and satisfied knowing that someone was that touched by what I do (honestly I was a little nervous and hoped I would do justice to the requested project).  I was having a roller coaster couple of days before reading this but this was a personal reminder not to quit.  It was like it was meant for me to get this uplifting boost at the right time.  I've had moments before where I wondered if my work was making a real impression or impact and this was kind of a "Yes you are" moment.  Keep pushing forward, you never know who out there is inspired by you.

Here are some more photos of the custom shoes below.  To inquire about a custom theme of your own, email me at
