Archive (Last Entry)

This will be the last official entry on the Ecentrik Artistry blog.

Don't worry...Ecentrik Artistry isn't going anywhere.  While I won't be updating the blog anymore I will be keeping up as sort of an archive for much of my older works.   I tend to get more traffic on my social media platforms as I spend more time posting there.  I've had this blog since around 2009 and it's been fun bringing the blog posts for the last 10 years but nowadays (at least to me) blogging kinda feels like the online dinosaur in an era of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Who knows, I may one day change my mind and decide to start posting here again (another part of why i'm leaving the actual blog online) but for the time being it's not likely as I haven't really had the desire to blog here in a while.

If you're on social media, you can follow my latest updates and posts at the links below and of course, the main website at

Thanks to everyone that followed the blog over the years and I look forward to continuing to see you on my other platforms!

Elom Bowman
Ecentrik Artistry

