"Love Fragments" Custom Womens Dunk Low

For a while now i've been planning to do some custom designs that are geared specifically towards the ladies, and this shoe will be the first of many. My original plan was to put these out around Valentines Day but unfortunately those plans fell through. I call these Love Fragments (or "Broken Love", which was the original name) due to the design which resembles pieces or fragments of hearts scattered throughout the shoes. Love fragments can mean different things...it can be a metaphor for going through heartbreak (which we've all experienced at least once in life) or the fragments can represent the many different elements that comprise a relationship: communication, understanding, sex, etc. Basically 'Love Fragments' can mean whatever you feel it should mean to you.

Over top of the hearts is a elegant "flowery" style pattern done in black. I wanted to go for a design that reminds me of something I would see in something like a hallmark card or some type of fancy love letter.

So ladies, this design is the first of many that will be strictly for you! So treat yourselves to a pair (or get your significant other to treat you) of these new customs, which are available to order now at ecentrik.net.
