My World: The New Reality

"Sometimes I consider myself a dreamer. My dreams, visions, and imagination are a huge part of what inspires my art. In turn, I then bring these dreams into the real world for all to see, thus creating a new realm for others to see and become a part of. Welcome to my world..welcome to the new reality."

Yes everyone, I will be doing another art show in NYC in December! Really looking forward to it. The show takes place at the Orchard Windows Gallery in New York City from Monday, December 19th to Sunday, December 25th..with receptions on Monday 12/19 and Friday 12/23, both from 6pm to 9pm. All of the information is listed below as well as in the above pic. Hope to see you there!

"My World: The New Reality" is the latest exhibit by artist Elom Bowman and is being displayed at the Orchard Windows Gallery from December 19th through December 25th.

1st Reception: Monday, December 19th - 6pm to 9pm
2nd Reception: Friday, December 23rd - 6pm to 9pm

Orchard Windows Gallery
37 Orchard Street
New York, New York
(917) 995-1001
