"Blue Lagoon" Lebron 9 & "Butternut Squash" Lebron 10

Just recently I looked at my blog and noticed I haven't updated in nearly a month (been super busy with customer orders, which is an awesome thing), but since I have a few minutes, I figured i'd take the time to show two 1-of-1 customs done a while back that were never posted before.

For a while people had been asking if I would ever do work on Lebrons...well I got the opportunity from my peoples at Elite Exclusive (http://shopeliteexclusive.com/) to do a pair of custom Lebrons.  Lebrons have a different material than most of the other shoes I work on (which are primarily leather or synthetic leather based) but had been wanting to try my hand on them.

The first pair is the "Blue Lagoon" Lebron 9s.  These were made using the Lebron 9 Taxis.  I was stuck for a while on what type of design to do for these and ended up doing something off the top of my head.  I just let it flow as I was going along and here are the results:

The shoe that was used for the custom: The Lebron 9 "Taxi":

The second pair is the "Butternut Squash" Lebron 10s.  This is a personal pair:

And the shoe that was used: The Lebron 10 "Floridian":

And there you have it!  Just something I thought i'd share.  Now back to the lab...got a bunch of other stuff i'm working on from customer orders to planning the "Summer Love 3" Series (yeah, it's almost that time again).  In the meantime, be sure to visit the websites in the "Links" section on this page as well as the facebook page (link to the page right underneath the links section).  Be back soon....
